Birth Planning Guide
Specially designed for hospital-based families, this information goes deeper than your traditional textbook-based class that focuses on stages of labor. This guide can help you bring these topics to life and learn how they might look, how they might feel and how you can apply tools and techniques to help reach your goals, make yourself heard and navigate the hospital system.
Specially designed for hospital-based families, this information goes deeper than your traditional textbook-based class that focuses on stages of labor. This guide can help you bring these topics to life and learn how they might look, how they might feel and how you can apply tools and techniques to help reach your goals, make yourself heard and navigate the hospital system.
Specially designed for hospital-based families, this information goes deeper than your traditional textbook-based class that focuses on stages of labor. This guide can help you bring these topics to life and learn how they might look, how they might feel and how you can apply tools and techniques to help reach your goals, make yourself heard and navigate the hospital system.
About this document;
- In English
-Instant download, 50+pages
-Created by an experienced birth doula, birth photographer, childbirth educator and mom of three.
-File is best viewed on a larger device such as a tablet, laptop or desktop.
-File may be printed for optimum learning and note-taking
-For personal use only, not to be duplicated or shared