A must-know tip for labor: Take the Breaks
Your labor may last a while. That is normal. An easy way to cope is to enjoy the rest periods during the process. This is not groundbreaking advice but it can make your experience much more positive.
The only way we make it through an event like giving birth is that we get small breaks in between. This perspective is really important. In childbirth class, I teach this acronym to get parents thinking differently about the discomfort of labor. Pain in labor is different than the pain we experience in normal life
Today I want to focus on that third one: INTERMITTENT.
This is a big topic I focus on when I am helping parents prepare for giving birth. Yes, labor can last a long time, yes it's a lot of work, and you will get through it one. minute. at. a. time. Our contractions come and go, they build and they release, the pressure grows and breaks like a wave. You feel almost normal in between, especially during the earlier stages of labor.
Want to dive into the emotions of labor? Click here to view my mindset guide! All the best ways to prep your heart and mind for a fear-fre birth.
Want to dive into the emotions of labor? Click here for my mindset guide! Learn to prep your heart and mind for a fear-free birth.
Often times when I am supporting parents in-person, a big part of my job is to keep them present. We don't think about how long it's been, or how much longer it will take, you just stay in the moment. If you lose this perspective and start watching the clock, it's easy to get overwhelmed and start to panic.
This is not a fancy tip, but it's important. There's nothing wrong if you need an outside voice and reminder. It's a very NATURAL and HUMAN response to forget these small things when you are experiencing discomfort or stress.
How many of you reading this may have a tight jaw. Is your brow furrowed? Are you holding any tension in your body? Can you release your shoulders?
In ordinary life this can be helpful. In labor, it's essential to preserving your energy. Whenever you get a break in labor, notice any places in your body you need to release. A tight body is a waste of your energy and tension anywhere, especially in your pelvic floor, creates extra stress and resistance.
You want your body to be loose and relaxed: face, jaw, hips, shoulders, limbs, your bottom.
Giving birth is a big process, no doubt about it. Make sure to take advantage of the rests.
The sensations can be very intense but there's always a break to catch your breath and calm your body. Sometimes just two minutes, sometimes longer. During the rests, your support people and your doula can work together to help your body relax and recover. You will get through it one at a time.